Lone and High-Risk Worker Safety Protection for Retail Workers
Management of Workplace Aggression and Violence – ZERO tolerance
In Australia Retail Trade employs approximately 1,281,300 persons (ABS seasonally adjusted data), which accounts for 9.7% of the total workforce.
Main risks in the Retail Sector
Retail workers face two main risk profiles:

Social Risk
Being that of work place violence and aggressive behavior; physical or verbal assault

Physical Risk
Slip/trip/fall/person down or incapacity, unconsciousness, accident or incident, or even a medical situation
Implementing the GPS Geo Guard Personal Safety Solution can deliver safety benefits to the front-line retail workers, but also help department managers and the wider organisation deliver genuine value to the employer in terms of safety, quicker emergency response, operational and increasing staff moral knowing they have something just in case.

Opening or closing stores

Handling cash and banking runs

Aggressive and abusive customers


Questioning potential theft


Emergency after late shifts
Retail shops and workforce most likely at risk:

Shops with young workers

Retail courier and delivery drivers

Warehouse staff

Small shops with few staff

Night shift workers

Security staff

Service station workers
Benefits of using Gps Geo Guard Solution in Retail sector
Helping customers to:
Give 100% peace of mind to mobile workforce staff and lone or high-risk workers with 24/7 instant Emergency Alarm Monitoring and support, with the GPS Geo Guard discreet personal safety devices
Document verbal abuse with live and recorded audio to stop the “he said, she said” situation and verbal assault; best practice for internal discipline or escalation to Police
Deliver protection against person down, slips/trips/falls, incapacitation, or medical emergency incident
Get instant continuous up to date location information to assist better coordination across mobile teams and reallocation of workforce
Deliver up to date live reporting to key stakeholders on GPS Geo Guard Device and solution usage, for 100% user uptake and better business or organisation’s continuity
Greater visibility and enhanced safety protocols and procedures around the use of the GPS Geo Guard of any mobile workforce
Creating a positive Safety Culture and encouraging your workforce to report incidents, and document them effectively enhancing faster responses and better outcomes.
We are seeing a massive increase in workplace violence and aggressive behaviour towards staff and an increase of enquiries from the Retail sector looking to implement the GPS Geo Guard personal safety alarm as part of their lone worker safety policy. Even when working in pairs, GPS Geo Guard duress alarm can raise an alarm 100% covert and get the quickest response from local shopping centre security management or first responders. On activation, it opens up the live and recorded audio which is admirable in court and stops the “he said, she said” situation in a physical verbal confrontation or serious assault situation.
GPS Geo Guard can also help your staff with the right conflict resolution training to help deescalate an incident.
Lone high-risk working is commonly not associated with the retail sector because “lone workers” are mostyly views as employees who work have a community-based job role.
Retail workforce most always as part of their day-to-day roles, are working alone or in potentially high-risk environments such as or retrieving stock from warehouse or stock room alone, stacking shelves at heights or with their back to entry points. Even when workers or shoppers within the vicinity, these are lone workers or high-risk working environments. Dealing with irate customers at checkout with customer complaints and returns, opening or closing up alone, delivering goods, changing rooms. Another alarming risk is wearing company logo or branded uniforms in public with a risk of revelation from an incident with another worker.
There are more situations of lone working in retail than you might think.
Track | Manage | Mitigate | Secure | Communicate | Respond | Rescue