As is the case with any expenditure for new equipment, budget is always a concern. This is especially true in today’s economic climate. The question is, however, what is the potential cost of not employing such a system as GPS Geo Guard Personal Emergency Device (PED)?
(Albeit this is an emergency safety device and could be 100% Tax deductible).
Consider just a few possibilities of the costs that may be prevented:
• Loss of work time in the event of an injury.
• Disability claims.
• Worker’s compensation expenses.
• Medical expenses.
• Hiring and retraining costs in the aftermath of a worker death or disabling injury.
• Potential for civil liability and associated legal expenses in the event a death is deemed preventable.
• Insurance claims from public against the Council.
• Federal and/or state OHS citations.
• Brand reputation.
More importantly the Staff moral and confidence of workers will have an increased effect in your business, creating an environment and culture of safety, and efficiency on all levels and enhancing productivity and return on investment.
Preferred by all industries and working environments. Any size business including Federal & State Government or Not for Profits & individuals including Domestic Violence. Offering The Most Advanced Commentary giving the Quickest Response and Best outcome in any situation.
Incident Escalation & Alarm Management Triage Process
Even though Geo Guard has the most advanced componentry for the best outcome in any incident its Far more user Friendly, Far more affordable if you are looking at deploying a solution to mitigate risk for 1 or 3000 for any sized organisation or whatever working environment, we have the most competitive pricing and user friendly solution ready for you.
The Team at Geo Guard are working with hundreds of small and large enterprises, NGO’s every week not to preplace existing safety procedures but Enhance their existing protocols and create a better outcome in a real time situation, with the fastest response in a real time accident, incident or critical work place violence or aggressive behavior situation.
Helping business and individuals with these major risk profiles

Social risk – arises through a worker’s role being community-based working in the field out side of the office – interacting with the general public or clients or conducting home visits for a variety of reasons in different business environments. Working Alone or lone workers. The outcome of this can be verbal abuse, or physical assault and something far worse.

Environmental Physical risk – is prevalent due to a lone worker carrying out a work activity in an isolated or hazardous location. The most likely outcome in the event of a problem is injury or incapacity (‘Person Down’) to the lone worker either due to a slip, trip or fall or an unknown health issue.

When seconds count, you can only count on GPS Geo Guard – Australia’s #1 choice for Personal Emergency Device and Emergency Monitoring. With 100% peace of mind 24 hours a day, GPS Geo Guard puts you back in total control of your most valuable asset: people.

Future proof and enhance your existing safety protocols
No amount of safety planning or the best safety policies or procedures will ever be enough to protect from unexpected Social Risk such as physical verbal assault or Environmental Risk such as SLIP-TRIP-FALL, accident, incident or medical situation. Now you are only one press away from instant help. When seconds count in any critical incident, you can only count on GPS Geo Guard!
Our quality and integrity
GPS Geo Guard Personal Emergency Devices coupled with our 32 years history in 24-hour Emergency Monitoring and First Responder Response Service has always been at the forefront of our client solutions. The team at GPS Geo Guard are passionate and dedicated to all our clients, whatever working or personal risk or environment to offer the ultimate client experience and offer the fastest response and best outcome in any Incident.

Lone worker or personal safety should not be compromised
When looking at providers and choosing a lone worker or personal safety system, whether you are an employer or purchasing for a loved one, you should not compromise. The GPS Geo Guard benchmark including proven specialized professional Emergency Monitoring can offer the highest level of protection and assurance for workers and individuals alike.
As is the case with any expenditure for new equipment, budget is always a concern. This is especially true in today’s economic climate. The question is, however, what is the potential cost of not employing such a system as GPS Geo Guard?
(Albeit this is an emergency safety device and could be 100% Tax deductible)
Consider just a few possibilities of the costs that may be prevented:
- Loss of work time in the event of an injury.
- Disability claims.
- Worker’s compensation expenses.
- Medical expenses.
- Hiring and retraining costs in the aftermath of a worker death or disabling injury.
- Potential for civil liability and associated legal expenses in the event a death is deemed preventable.
- Insurance claims from public against the Council.
- Federal and/or state OHS citations.
- Brand reputation.
More importantly the staff moral and confidence of workers will have an increased effect in your business, creating an environment and culture of safety, and efficiency on all levels and enhancing productivity and return on investment.
Preferred by all industries and working environments. Any size business including Federal and State Government or Not for Profits, and individuals including Domestic Violence. Offering the most advanced commentary, giving the quickest response and best outcome in any situation.
Incident Escalation & Alarm Management Triage Process
Even though Geo Guard has the most advanced componentry for the best outcome in any incident, it’s far more user friendly and affordable. If you are looking at deploying a solution to mitigate risk for 1 or 3000, for any sized organisation or whatever working environment, we have the most competitive pricing and user friendly solution ready for you.
The team at Geo Guard are working with hundreds of small and large enterprises and NGOs every week, not to preplace existing safety procedures, but enhance their existing protocols and create a better outcome in a real time situation, with the fastest response in a real time accident, incident or critical work place violence or aggressive behaviour situation.
Helping business and individuals with these major risk profiles:

Social Risk
Arises through a worker’s role being community-based interacting with the general public or conducting home visits for a variety of reasons. The outcome of this can be verbal abuse, or physical assault and something far worse.

Environmental Physical Risk
Prevalent due to a lone worker carrying out a work activity in an isolated or hazardous location. The most likely outcome in the event of a problem is injury or incapacity (‘Person Down’) to the lone worker either due to a slip, trip or fall or an unknown health issue.
Both of these risks are also associated to Domestic Violence clients or Senior Age care.
Track | Manage | Mitigate | Secure | Communicate | Respond | Rescue